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JR Oakes is the Director of Strategy for Consultwebs. Consultwebs is an agency that specializes in online marketing for law firms throughout the United States and internationally. He is in charge of developing and managing the company’s comprehensive approach to search marketing strategy for their clients. In this role, JR analyzes and adapts strategy to address the constantly changing factors that affect online visibility. He leverages data analysis, testing, and SEO development best practices to help the team provide more value to their clients.

Using Open Data for Fun and Profit

We will take a journey through various open data sources and visualization frameworks to spark ideas for ways to create unique content.

JR Oakes speaking at the Raleigh SEO Meetup Conference

About JR Oakes

Data geek working constantly on rankings and links in one of the most competitive niches.

Twitter: @jroakes

Connect with JR on Linked In

Company: Consultwebs

Other Social: Twitter


Raleigh SEO Meetup Conference - Using Open Data for Fun and Profit

Raleigh SEO Meetup Conference - Technical SEO

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